Feminae: Medieval Women and Gender Index

2 Record(s) Found in our database

Search Results

1. Record Number: 5380
Author(s): Burch, Sally L.
Title : Amadas et Ydoine, "Cliges" and the Impediment of Crime [the author uses the attitude of the "Amadas" poet toward adultery to argue that Chrétien may not have intended the marriage of Cliges and Fenice to have been a happy conclusion; instead the marriage of the adulterers may have been an indication of how decadent their society had become].
Source: Forum for Modern Language Studies , 36., 2 (April 2000):  Pages 185 - 195.
Year of Publication: 2000.

2. Record Number: 5337
Author(s): Burch, Sally L.
Title : The Lady, the Lords, and the Priests: The Making and Unmaking of Marriage in "Amadas et Ydoine" [The author emphasizes the authority of the lords in the text to arrange marriages; clergy are clearly subordinates, but Ydoine uses deceit to manage the lords and arrive at her desired end].
Source: Reading Medieval Studies , 25., ( 1999):  Pages 17 - 31.
Year of Publication: 1999.